Center for Community Partnerships, CSU
Center for Community Partnerships (CCP) is the service outreach branch of the Occupational Therapy Department of Colorado State University. Our staff supports both CSU students as well as individuals throughout Northern Colorado. We offer a variety of programs and support services including:
Emaleigh Renier
201 Alder Hall
850 S. Mason St.
1573 Campus Delivery
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado 80523-1573
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation assists people with disabilities to succeed at work and live independently. We believe that anyone with a disability who wants to work, can work, regardless of the type or severity of their disability. We work closely with a variety of partners and stakeholders, including our vendors, employers, state and federal agencies, Workforce Centers and Centers for Independent Living. DVR uses public funds to provide our services so it is important that this money be used responsibly according to our policy, rules and regulations.
2850 McClelland Drive, Suite 2000
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525
(970) 207-6464